I want Slow Girl Summer.
I want to take my time.
Slow down & be in my body.
I want a sit-and-stare-out-the-window-while-drinking-my-coffee
kind of summer.
I want weekends with no plans-
freedom and space to do nothing,
if I choose
kind of summer.
I want rest.
And stillness.
I want to marvel at trees,
submit to the sun,
and be romanced by the moon.
I want long, hot, lazy days
by water-
spent reading and
contemplating life and
my place in the universe.
I want to feel the coolness of water on my hot sun kissed skin
and the buoyancy of my body as I play in the waves
like a child.
I want sleep-ins
and early nights
and naps in hammocks
amongst cool breezes.
I want ritual-
magic, as I make food
and plans
and decisions
and ceremonies
to nourish my
I want to be present in my skin
and in
my experience.
I want Soft GirlSummer.
I want to be in my feels-
all of them
and graciously give them the space they need.
I want to wear comfortable dresses,
soft against my skin
and be loving to my changing body.
I want to come undone,
hold the pieces as they fall,
and begin to gently put myself back together.
I want to ask for help
and be witnessed in my pain
and held by people who love me.
I want to show up
at doorsteps
with food
and wildflowers
I picked.
I want to cry at commercials
and animal videos
and the hardships of the world.
I want to let myself be moved.
I want to make art-
alchemize it all into
something beautiful-
and hold space,
when there is no meaning
to be made.
I want to write poems
and take pictures
and build a soundtrack to my life
and tell people I love them.
Maybe next summer,
if I am lucky enough to
be gifted it,
will be a Hot GirlSummer.
But not this one.
This summer
will be a